


【7月21日(火)、お話朝会 他】

【July 21(Tuesday)、 Story Meeting etc.】
①It’s been 39 days since school began.
②There were classes that had tests, and classes that learned the Japanese syllabary,「a ka sa ta na」.
③Today, there was a morning assembly made by broadcast.
④We talked about 「Prevention of heat stroke and infection」and the 「Children from Ogose Elementary School coming next week.」

①みなさん、おはようございます。  Good morning, Everyone.
②学校が始まって39日目です。 It’s been 39 days since school began.
During that time, there were many rules related to the Corona virus.
 However, everyone followed the rules. Everyone did their best to study hard.

⑤さて、明日から5日間のお休みに入ります。 Well, from tomorrow there will be a 5-day break.
⑥来週から18日間の学校が始まります。 From next week, 18 days of school will bigin.
 187 students and teachers will come from Ogose Elementary school.
Please listen to what I will say from now.Then, I will say 4 things.

⑨ 1つ目です。 そろそろ梅雨も明けるようです。
First, it seems that the rainy season will soon be over.
⑩熱中症にもならないようにしてください。 Please don’t get a heat stroke.
⑪そのためには「Let’s drink water.」です。 For that reason, Let’s drink water.
⑫感染しないようにしてください。 Please don’t get an infection.
⑬そのためには「Let’s wash our hands.」です。 For that reason, Let’s wash our hands.

⑭ 2つ目です。越生小学校の子供たちと仲良くしてください。
Second, please become friends with children from Ogose Elementary school.
⑮いつもよりもにぎやかな学校になります。 It will become a livelier school than usual.
  The sinks and toilets, school ground swings, and things to play with will be crowded.
⑰みんなで仲良く思いやりの気持ちをもってください。 Please be friendly and considerate.
  4th through 6th graders, please take care of the lower classes.
  Since it’s a school they’re coming to for the first time, surely there will be many things they don’t know.
⑳優しく、ていねいに教えてあげてください。 Please kindly and politely teach it to them.

㉑ 3つ目です。  越生小の子供たちはバスで登下校します。だから十分注意してください。
Third, the students from Ogose Elementary school will come to school and go home by bas. So, please be very careful.

㉒ 4つ目です。ローマ字チャレンジについてです。  Forth, about the romaji challenge.
㉓ 来週から週1回、ローマ字のプリントに取り組みます。
From next week, once a week, you will work on a romaji worksheet.
㉔ 3回練習したらテストをします。 If you practice 3 times, you will do a test.
㉕ 80点以上が合格点です。 A passing score is 80 points and above.
㉖ ローマ字がわかるとパソコンやタブレットで調べるときに役立ちます。
  When you understand romaji, it will be useful when you use a computer and tablet.

㉗ 是非、頑張ってください。 Of course, please do your best. Thank you.  
来週会いましょう。See you next week.